The Swiss Army Romance
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I'm missing your laugh,
How did it break?
And when did your eyes
Begin to look fake?
I hope you're as happy as you're pretending
I'm cuddling close to blankets and sheets
I am alone in my defeat
I wish I knew you were safely at home
I'm missing your bed, I never sleep.
Avoiding the spots where we'd have to speak.
And this bottle of beast is taking me home.
Well as for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs,
And sit alone and wonder...How you're making out.
And as for me I wish that I was anywhere, with anyone... Making out
Your hair it's everywhere.Screaming infidelities and taking its wear.
Your hair it's everywhere.Screaming infidelities and taking its wear.
Screaming Infidelities
Dashboard Confessional
12:08 PM
The Paper Lilies
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Exams had ended on Thursday (21/2), and life's been nothing but great :D
I just feel like a free spirit, living my life so stress and care free. God, I wish everyday could be like this!
Econs paper was alright. That marked the end of exams and Year 1 (:
The TB03 (okay, and TB04, with respect to Wen Sheng) clique then went to Seoul Garden where we literally (I mean it) ate to our hearts' content. The buffet was awesome. Pasta, rice, beef and chicken in all kinds of seasoning, seafood, salad, cakes, ICE CREAM, and free-flow of drinks! What more could you ask for! And the price was pretty reasonable too (: Too bad no pictures were taken as we were too busy gourging ourselves.
After that we spent some time walking around the streets of town pretty aimlessly. Chilled for some Gloria Jean's coffee and juice and talked quite abit. Then everyone became pretty tired, obviously, given the fact that many had stayed up the night before to study for econs, and went home (:
Slept in till about 10.30. Then I had to meet Dee and Charlene for lunch (: We ate at Long John's where we spent about 2 hours talking after eating. Really missed those 2.
Was my Mom's birthday, so I stayed home (: Went to apply for guitar lessons at Verve Music School. Finally, something constructive that I know I'll be doing during the holidays. I've been practicing on my guitar!
I'm meeting Mainey to repair our phones and get my backpack for the chalet. It just dawned on me that I do not have a proper, in working condition backpack to use, and I do know that I need one!
Anyway, here's a picture of an authentic vintage bag that Im selling (:
Do let me know if you're interested.

Alright, that'll be about it for now.
Love the holidays ((((:
9:22 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Yesterday and today was a mad day.
Yesterday, I started studying one day before my Management exam. With the consideration that I have not listened to or paid attention in ANY of my lectures and tutorials, it is truly amazing that I actually think I can get a B for the exam (: Also, given the fact that I barely memorised anything, but only read and understood the theory, I am quite happy and contented that I was actually able to write proper Management facts in my answer script.
Today seems like the last day of exams, unfortunately, it isn't. I still have Macroecons paper on Thursday, but it seems like everybody's already celebrating, haahha! Guess what, I haven't even TOUCHED my econs notes! On a brighter note, the school did make us sit for 2 common tests so that makes me a little bit more confident about myself, knowing that I do know at least half of the syllabus (:
The clique is going to KL next next weekend (: We will be visiting Sebastian's Malaysian house! Life sure only begins after exams (:
Alright, time for some online shopping.
Tonight I will have a very good night's sleep. Haven't been sleeping well for the past few days. Exams seriously take away your life!
See you (:
7:24 PM
Saturday, February 09, 2008
The day just seems to be dragging on forever.
Yes, its that time of the year again.
Late nights, coffee, dry eyes, grogginess, falling asleep on desks.
The exam period.
First exam's on Friday. Accounts, which I don't really mind. But the next day is Saturday and I have Law which I absolutely dread. And then the week continues on and its Management on Monday, which I can honestly say that I really have no discipline and motivation to study for.
I feel quite helpless and useless at the same time. This sem's projects are all an A grade for me, but it might be pulled down by the actual exam itself. Life sucks and it sure does hate me. Jesus.
I watched The Notebook today for the second time. Its one of my favourite romance movies of all time (:

Alright thats about it for now.
Back to Management.
11:31 PM
Anarchy in the U.K
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Just came back from shopping with Germaine (:
Unfortunately, I didn't buy any New Year clothes. I guess, as you get older, these kinda things don't really matter in your life anymore, haha. Although my efforts were in vain, I did manage to find a very pretty bucket bag! Bags, my weakness, honestly! It is such a pretty brown bag (: I'll see whether I can post a picture of it here.
I have come to the realisation that last week was my last official week of year 1. I am totally not ready to be a year 2. Shucks, time really really flies manzzzzz! It feels like I've only been in Ngee Ann for a few months ):
I need to get a good CCA record, so I've decided to join Diving (: Yes yes, an unlikely choice of CCA, but it is a pretty cool sport! And, my father has given me his full support, since he's a fervent diver himself (: I suppose, I'll be going for quite a few father-daughter dive trips overseas in the near future! And, Cheryl is gonna join Diving with me too! Yay.
I think this CNY would be a pretty boring one yet again. I never really liked CNY actually. Moreover, my sister's overseas. I guess I won't really have anyone to talk to when my parents are busy attending to the older folks ):
There was Computer Excel test on Friday. It was pretty alright, though I am 100% certain that I lost 10 marks cos of the stupid Solver question which I honestly knew how to do but I had no idea why I couldn't do it at that time! Bloody pissing.
Exams start on 15 Feb! Kill me please. Actually, come to think of it, there isn't THAT much to study. The lecturers have been pretty nice this sem. They have narrowed down the important topics so thats pretty good.
Here's the picture, as promised.

And, I found this picture on one of my classmate's blog.
Featuring, my Law classmates, and my very very annoying Law tutor.
Till then.
9:35 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I've actually created a lj account to increase my online shopping addiction (: Online shopping is just, therapeutic :D I don't really encourage anyone to go visit it cos there's all but one miserable post. Hahaha. Anyway, here's the link
School's been pretty annoyingly stressful. Although most of my projects are already done, Im already kinda feeling the pressure for the exams. Its slightly less than 3 weeks till the start of my exams. Its certainly kicking off with a bang, POA's my first paper. How great.
There is quite a lot to study. Especially Management. I can honestly say that I have not listened for a single Management lecture or tutorial before. To make matters worse, the revision lecturer did not even give ANY hints about what may or may not come out. Talk about being a sadist. Management is so damn theory based, so much words, so much definitions. How on earth am I gonna actually study for it. I don't know how to ):
Anyways, I'm probably heading off to Chinatown later tonight. Yes, I know its a Sunday night and I have class at 9am tomorrow. WHATEVER TO SCHOOL. Just study can already laaaaaaaa (:
Till then.
5:13 PM
My Blue Heaven
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My sister's such a lucky piece of shit. She's currently studying in Norway for 6 months, and she just told me that she's going to Prague for the weekend. What the ?!?!?!?!!!
Everyone seems to be falling sick and I guess its my turn now. My throat hurts like a bitch and my nose can't stop running, omg. I think Im getting lazier by the second. I haven't been doing my tutorials and listening during lectures. I don't even seem to bother to read up on past lectures. This is VERY bad.
Next week (I hope) would pass quickly so that I can get over stupid Management and BCA projects. I still have yet to complete my Management proposal which is supposed to be done by today since my group's having a meeting tomorrow (:
Alright, I suppose thats about it for now. Till then.
10:34 AM